Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Simply a Thought...

Yea...some people might say that all the things i've posted here and also in my profile on facebook show that I am such a loser or what so ever...It's not that I am mad because everyone has their own right to think and say about others...Frankly speaking, all those things are meant exactly to remind myself again and again from stop being 'stupid' besides reminding others to think for themselves...All the tragedies that had happened really hurt me and my feelings..I just don't know how and I don't exactly know the reasons why...Until the moment I wrote this, I am still trying to figure out why it all happened...not to say that I want things to revert to its original condition..but I believe that things happened for a reason..and the only thing that I tried my best to believe is that Allah loves me..and i should be grateful that Allah had showed me that person's true colour as soon as possible..One thing for sure, it teaches me to find someone who does 'really' accept me as who I am totally.... 


all ttg aku said...

jap...layan lagu ni...

Lina Shabbir said...

faham sgt dgn apa yg sedara hadapi.
sy pun hadapi benda yg sama.
bila sy post kt fb,kt blog,ramai yg kata;
sy loser,xleh lupakn jantan tu,mengaibkan org.
tp seperti yg sedara ckp,
kita hanya nk igtkn diri kita dn org lain,
supaya benda yg sama xberulang lagi.
fyi,lepas sy dedahkan penipuan jantan tu kt fb,fster n blog,2-3 org ppuan contact sy,
beritahu sy mereka pun sedang ditipu oleh jantan yg sama.
sekurang2nya sy dh bantu 2-3 ppuan ni lepaskn diri dr penipuan jantan tu kan?
sy doakan yg terbaik utk sedara.

Love yourself,bcoz nobody cares for us, more than we do.

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